When people are on
the Blue Bus, amazing
things happen

Equipping individuals with the skills and
confidence to navigate their path…

Blue Bus utilises a deep (double-loop) experiential learning model built around personal and team exploration, discovery and reflection. The Blue Bus is flexible and adaptable to development of knowledge, skills, behaviour, mindsets and values as a foundation for life long learning.

The underlying principles and frameworks of Blue Bus align closely to contemporary understandings of the foundations of personal growth, well-being and resilience. These include:

Self-awareness (what bus are you on?) as a precursor to Self-control (what bus do you choose to drive?)
Well-being as a product of positive self-image and self-talk and constructively learning from life-experiences
Social awareness, empathic connection and mutual support
Growth mindset and inquisitive learning
Blue Bus is the universal vehicle that creates a unique pathway for how people, teams and organisations can rapidly transform and make a difference in their world

Building social connections that engender collaboration, agility and learning…

Shifting culture change from being a program to adaptive evolution

The Blue Bus embeds a pattern of awareness, connection and learning that extends beyond the workshop.

Blue Bus facilitates organisational learning and provides a shared prism through which to explore and reshape culture:

Common language and frames to explore organisational values, mindsets and behaviours
gives vivid, affective expression to ‘culture’
Individual and organisational responses to change
surfaces blind-spots that create the disconnects and missteps in the change agenda
Teams create shared meaning, draw social connection, experiment with new behaviours and safely take social risk
key elements of a constructive culture
Encourages pride in the organisation and team
cultural strengths recognised as foundations on which to build
Look for the ‘small f’s – everyday opportunities for the organisation to think and act differently
culture change through behavioural nudges
Leadership and followership are active responsibilities of all
harnesses key influencers to lead regardless of rank or authority

Meet Our Team

George Fonua

George Fonua

Founder and Coach

Luke Pollard

Luke Pollard

Principal and Coach

Heath Thacker

Heath Thacker

Principal and Coach

Adrian Lister

Adrian Lister

Principal and Coach

Alan Gageler

Alan Gageler

Research Lead

Get On Board
The Blue Bus Today

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The Blue Bus is a unique transformational vehicle that is revolutionising how we rapidly transform leaders, people, teams and organisations to adapt and thrive in exponential changing times. By using experiential learning we help you develop a sustainable culture of excellence in everything that you do.
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Get in Touch
P (02) 439 648 547
E george@thebluebus.com

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